Tai Chi Racket W/ Soft Ball (Bailong Ball)

Tai Chi Racket W/ Soft Ball (Bailong Ball)

Quick Overview

The Taiji Softball a combination of the mechanics of Badminton and the principles of Tai Chi. movement are soft agile and balanced. contstant practice fo the exercise helps improve, stamina, muscle tone also very beneficial for people with Hypertension, diabetes, thrombus etc. Comes complete with Free Case. The Racket is made with good quality l..

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The Taiji Softball a combination of the mechanics of Badminton and the principles of Tai Chi. movement are soft agile and balanced. contstant practice fo the exercise helps improve, stamina, muscle tone also very beneficial for people with Hypertension, diabetes, thrombus etc. Comes complete with Free Case. The Racket is made with good quality ligth weight aluminium for durability and strength and the ball is only 53g in weight, thus excellent for people of all ages and Physiques.



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