Korean Ultimate Taekwondo Uniform: White V-Neck: Children\'s

Korean Ultimate Taekwondo Uniform: White V-Neck: Children's

Quick Overview

New Ultimate Korean uniform. The best Dobby fabric in the market, previoulsy worn by the masters now all playwell students and Black belts are wearing this new Dobby fabric with pride and Joy. Dobby Fabric, light weight and with a woven ribbed cotton effect. WHITE V-neck. FULL EMBROIDERY: Taekwondo In English and Korean, with a WTF LOGO. Feel pr..

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New Ultimate Korean uniform. The best Dobby fabric in the market, previoulsy worn by the masters now all playwell students and Black belts are wearing this new Dobby fabric with pride and Joy. Dobby Fabric, light weight and with a woven ribbed cotton effect. WHITE V-neck. FULL EMBROIDERY: Taekwondo In English and Korean, with a WTF LOGO. Feel proud wearing this New Playwell Design Dobby Fabric uniform. The most competitive Uniform in the market.