Shaolin Prayer Bracelet Beads

Shaolin Prayer Bracelet Beads

Quick Overview

In Zen, beads are often used in meditation and chanting. The second patriarch of Zen, Huike of Shaolin Temple, even used them as a weapon. At Shaolin Temple, they are often given as gifts or keepsakes, reminders of the diligence of practice. These Shaolin Bead Bracelet are carved from solid wood. Each bead is 1 inch in diameter. Truly impre..

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In Zen, beads are often used in meditation and chanting. The second patriarch of Zen, Huike of Shaolin Temple, even used them as a weapon. At Shaolin Temple, they are often given as gifts or keepsakes, reminders of the diligence of practice. These Shaolin Bead Bracelet are carved from solid wood. Each bead is 1 inch in diameter. Truly impressive, these beads are sure to impress. Imported directly from the source - the Shaolin Temple of China.

Quality beads only from Playwell.

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