Karate Uniform Mixed: Black / White Trousers

Karate Uniform Mixed: Black / White Trousers

Quick Overview

Student Karate Suit. Medium Weight karate uniform. 100% Cotton. Complete with Belt. Trousers with Elastic and Cord Waist for all sizes. Excellent suit made with finest bleached cotton. Mixed suits are medium weight and of top quality, and we can assure you that there is no other match. Wear with pride and play safe. Black Jacket with White Trous..

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Student Karate Suit. Medium Weight karate uniform. 100% Cotton. Complete with Belt. Trousers with Elastic and Cord Waist for all sizes. Excellent suit made with finest bleached cotton. Mixed suits are medium weight and of top quality, and we can assure you that there is no other match. Wear with pride and play safe. Black Jacket with White Trousers