Striped Team Uniform Series V1 - Black/White

Striped Team Uniform Series V1 - Black/White

Quick Overview

Stripe Team Uniform Great for exhibitions and tournaments. Constructed of middleweight 65% polyester, 35% cotton wash and wear fabric. Traditional jacket has fuller cut, inside ties and constrasting lapel (except black). Pant has 1-1/2 inch elastic waist and drawstring. Double stripe down the jacket sleeve and pant leg Trouser will be same desig..

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Stripe Team Uniform Great for exhibitions and tournaments. Constructed of middleweight 65% polyester, 35% cotton wash and wear fabric. Traditional jacket has fuller cut, inside ties and constrasting lapel (except black). Pant has 1-1/2 inch elastic waist and drawstring. Double stripe down the jacket sleeve and pant leg Trouser will be same design as the top.