Black Elasticated Cotton Inner Gel Wraps - NEW

Black Elasticated Cotton Inner Gel Wraps - NEW

Quick Overview

These hands wraps for boxing, MMA, Muay Thai and contact sport training offer incredible support for your wrist, whilst ensuring maximum comfort for a successful workout. Made from a resilient fabric with no slip grip, a thumb hole for added security, gel and foam integrated padding to reduce shock impact, and thermal control tech to keep your h..

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These hands wraps for boxing, MMA, Muay Thai and contact sport training offer incredible support for your wrist, whilst ensuring maximum comfort for a successful workout. Made from a resilient fabric with no slip grip, a thumb hole for added security, gel and foam integrated padding to reduce shock impact, and thermal control tech to keep your hands comfortable, healthy and dry. And with an extended 75cm wraparound design, you can get the proper support to keep your bones in place at all times. The perfect protection for beginners or pros. Available in various sizes.