Venum MMA Challenger HeadGuard

Venum MMA Challenger HeadGuard

Quick Overview

Affordable but without concession on the quality, that is the "Challenger" range!

This headgear offers a global protection of the sensitives areas of the head (temples, chin, cheek). 

Technical features: 
- Skintex leather conception.
- Ultra lightweight.
- Triple density con..

Additional Information
  • Manufactured by: Venum MMA

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£59.99 (inc VAT)
The Products ID# is: 6254

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Affordable but without concession on the quality, that is the "Challenger" range!

This headgear offers a global protection of the sensitives areas of the head (temples, chin, cheek). 

Technical features: 
- Skintex leather conception.
- Ultra lightweight.
- Triple density contoured foam to prevent cranial trauma.
- Head, cheek, ear an chin protection.
- Flexible two way velcro closure.
- One size fits all.

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