Deluxe Muay Thai Curved Air Tech Arm Pads, - Black/White SINGLE

Deluxe Muay Thai Curved Air Tech Arm Pads, - Black/White SINGLE

Quick Overview

Made From Durable Synthetic Leather, , These revolutionary air Thai pads were developed to take the impact out of the Kicks and Punches, and resilient double stitched seams, these pads provide optimal levels of comfort and durability. adjustable fastening strap. Multi-layered foam layers allow for high levels of shock absorption, which along wit..

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Made From Durable Synthetic Leather, , These revolutionary air Thai pads were developed to take the impact out of the Kicks and Punches, and resilient double stitched seams, these pads provide optimal levels of comfort and durability. adjustable fastening strap. Multi-layered foam layers allow for high levels of shock absorption, which along with the concave centre target area, lead to unparalleled comfort, protection and power diffusion. - Premium Quality Construction - Shock Absorbing Concave Target Area -