Floor To Ceiling Speed Ball Black: Vinyl

Floor To Ceiling Speed Ball Black: Vinyl

Quick Overview

Floor To Ceiling Speed Ball, Made from Vinyl  For improving a boxers speed and reactions. is perfect for developing necessary attributes that all boxers need that include speed, accuracy and precision.

Comes Complete with Full Attachments and Screws,

Speed Ball Measurements:  10" x 9.5"


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£26.99 (inc VAT)
The Products ID# is: 3449

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  Estimated Standard Delivery - UK Only - Feb 24-Feb 25

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Floor To Ceiling Speed Ball, Made from Vinyl  For improving a boxers speed and reactions. is perfect for developing necessary attributes that all boxers need that include speed, accuracy and precision.

Comes Complete with Full Attachments and Screws,

Speed Ball Measurements:  10" x 9.5"

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