British Cannabis - 100% Pure Cannabis CBD Capsules - 300mg

British Cannabis - 100% Pure Cannabis CBD Capsules - 300mg

Quick Overview

These Cannabis CBD Capsules provide an easy-to-take, single dose CBD supplement derived from EU approved Cannabis sativa L.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy method of taking CBD then this is a great product for you. In addition to this, if you tend to have a sensitive sense of smell and taste these capsules offer an al..

Additional Information
  • Manufactured by: British Cannabis CBD
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£19.99 (inc VAT)
The Products ID# is: 9002

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  Estimated Standard Delivery - UK Only - Feb 24-Feb 25

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These Cannabis CBD Capsules provide an easy-to-take, single dose CBD supplement derived from EU approved Cannabis sativa L.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy method of taking CBD then this is a great product for you. In addition to this, if you tend to have a sensitive sense of smell and taste these capsules offer an alternative method of taking CBD without the earthy taste and smell of the CBD oil.

These CBD Oral Capsules provide an easy-to-take, single dose CBD (Cannabidiol) supplement derived from EU approved Cannabis sativa L. If you’re looking for a quick and easy method of consumption then this is a suitable CBD product for you. In addition to this, if you tend to have a sensitive sense of smell and taste these capsules offer an alternative method of taking CBD without the earthy taste and smell of the CBD oil.

10mg CBD Oral Capsules | Vegan Certified | THC Free