Bad Boy MMA Mat Grappling Foot Grips

Bad Boy MMA Mat Grappling Foot Grips

Quick Overview

Offers protection against mat burns and friction whilst grappling to help avoid unwanted pain and injury during training.

After months of reasearch, design and development, we are proud to present our Playwell Grappling Socks. The first MMA ankle support/ grappling socks designed to provide grip, support and stability. Made using;

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Offers protection against mat burns and friction whilst grappling to help avoid unwanted pain and injury during training.

After months of reasearch, design and development, we are proud to present our Playwell Grappling Socks. The first MMA ankle support/ grappling socks designed to provide grip, support and stability. Made using;

superstretch neoprene

textured non-slip sole

Our grappling socks are a hybrid performance footwear style that feature Grip & Grab technology giving you the edge during training or competition.