Press Worker ( Bull Worker ) - 110lbs - X RETURNS -

Press Worker ( Bull Worker ) - 110lbs - X RETURNS -

Quick Overview

Press worker is the original home fitness aid, the proven alternative to expensive, time consuming visits to the Gym. The Press worker builds muscle fast in all the major muscle groups. There is no way to build muscle faster than isometric exercise. It builds your strength by 4% every week. And you only have to do each exercise once a day for 7 ..

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£14.99 (inc VAT)
The Products ID# is: 8345

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Press worker is the original home fitness aid, the proven alternative to expensive, time consuming visits to the Gym. The Press worker builds muscle fast in all the major muscle groups. There is no way to build muscle faster than isometric exercise. It builds your strength by 4% every week. And you only have to do each exercise once a day for 7 seconds. You can do 104 exercises with the Bullworker - but 7 of them build all the major muscle groups. This is how you can build a power packed body in just 49 seconds a day. Great for use at home, at work, while traveling and in private. The Bullworker...Feel Better...Look Better...Tone Your Abs, Arms, Shoulders & Chest!!! Resistance from 5 lbs to over 110lbs

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